
Foundational Shape Design

Design of solids is the process of coming up with a suitable solid shape that later determines our actions in the market. To make the design process quicker and easier, we normally start from a particular shape that we call foundational shape.

Pre-application Check-list

Before you start applying the strategy within your investing account and with real capital, it is a good idea to recap a few things and go through a check-list to confirm you have everything in place for a successful start.

Design Shapes – Pyramid

Design process entails shaping the way we respond to price changes in the market. The most common shape that gives the best returns in most circumstances is the shape that resembles a pyramid.

Level of Activity

SWS is very flexible in terms of level of activity. Also called “frequency of activity” can fall within a range of milliseconds up to many years. The more active we are, the more profitable we get. Capital is important factor that determines maximum level of activity. Appropriate design can be used to make further tweaks.