
Conquering the Strategy

Importance of mindset in investing. Keep the balance between investing and other activities in your life. Familiarizing with the strategy. Keeping on the right track and progressing through stages.

Available Investing Capital

Bank accounts are the origin of investing capital. We need to figure out the amount of liquid capital available for investing in equities. Note on valuation of illiquid capital. Planning 101 – In SWS utmost consideration is given to planning stage.

The Concept of Diversification

Diversification is an important concept in investing. Diversification solves the problem of lack of deep investing knowledge. Everyone has opportunity (and need) to invest. Diversification is just another tool that you can apply in your investing. We favor diversification.

What is Investment Risk?

Risk is a probability that something can happen. Risk implies unwanted outcome. Risk represents probability of losing something. Investment risk is a chance of losing money. SWS is quite successful in minimizing investment risks especially in context of achieving solid investing returns.