Apply Your Strategy

pplication of strategy is like going to the gym: day-in-day-out, same old. Whole bunch of repetition… However, results are the fun part: PROFITS! This is where all your hard work of planning and designing comes to fruition. Buy and sell… In and out… Up and down… Strategy application is about churning smaller and larger wins and creating profits of all sizes. Consistently. No decision making at this stage – that was one of the objectives from the very beginning.
If calculating profits is not fun enough, then learn how to spice up the “gym exercise”: make the tweaks and challenge yourself to beat the simplicity of Solid Wealth investing. We prefer simple approaches, but we also realize that a bit of complexity may help the investing game look more “professional”. What more professional does it get than making consistent profits? But if you insist on adding some complexity, strategy is flexible enough to accommodate the master’s wishes!
tart applying the strategy according to your blueprints: overlap your blueprints with the actual market circumstances and make a move to enter positions. Watch out the price – Price is the King! Enter, execute, profit, tweak or exit. Stay with your solids as long as you want and feel like at home. Or pick up and leave if circumstances are right or you reached your desired time-frame. Perhaps, making simple adjustments along the way will freshen up your application right up to your desires.
Choice is always yours! Just respond!
Discover secrets of successful strategy application!