Design Your Strategy

Put together nuts & bolts – Shape the solids of your wealth!
Solid Design D

esign stage is a lot of fun! We get to play with nuts and bolts of investing solids creation. With clear picture of investing instrument we have settled to use (excellent planning), we are capable and ready to design “pyramids”, “skyscrapers” and other solids that are going to become “bread and butter” of our market activity.

This stage is the most creative stage. Design is like an art. There is no right or wrong way, although some shapes work slightly better than the other ones. With some practice you can develop a “good feel” of what works and what doesn’t work so well. Finding an optimum shape is unnecessary and probably impossible anyway. The strategy is extremely robust and handles errors quite well. With that in mind, you can relax and know that even if you mistaken here or there, you’ll be just fine!

Design your blueprint for success

e always tend to say: “Consistent profitability is achievable, after all!” The key is to respond, NOT predict. Solids we design help us respond to price moves. The process of solid design takes into account few important considerations:

  • Current price of investing instrument
  • Historical volatility parameters (expected moves)
  • Available funds for that particular instrument (committed capital)
  • Instrument’s strength (as a measure of NOT going off the board)
  • Our desired activity (time commitment)
  • And few other individual desires or market metrics

We engineer blueprint for our strategy! We are ready to successfully apply our solids and let the market take them in whichever direction it feels like taking them to. Either way, we respond to price moves and enjoy resulting consistent profitability.

We inspire your creativity to design better strategy!
Learn here how to create the blueprint for your profits!

Foundational Shape Design

Design of solids is the process of coming up with a suitable solid shape that later determines our actions in the market. To make the design process quicker and easier, we normally start from a particular shape that we call foundational shape.

Design Shapes – Pyramid

Design process entails shaping the way we respond to price changes in the market. The most common shape that gives the best returns in most circumstances is the shape that resembles a pyramid.

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